Our club is equipped with modern running and cardio machines. Some of them provide interactive entertainment including television, internet and games.
You can take advantage of the latest exercise machines, gym equipment and dumbbells at Gilda Max so you can shed those extra pounds, build muscle or increase your stamina.
Cardio training is all of the workouts which increase the heart rate for a while besides providing enough air in the lung, are called cardiovascular workout or cardio training (walking, running, cycling, swimming and rowing).
Why are the cardiovascular workouts are really popular?The other advantage of cardiovascular trainings that you can practice them in front of TV screens – numorous cardio machines (treadmills, elliptical machines and bicycles) are equipped with TV screens providing interactive entertainment possibilities.
Our clubs are equipped with modern machines and dumbbells as well. Whether you are looking for chest press or leg extension, come and visit us!
Upon selecting the exact machines to our clubs, our goal was offering a wide range of machines that are convenient both for the beginners and the skilful guests.Strengthening is not only for men, it is for everybody! The advantages of the strengthening exercises are: increase the strength of the muscles, the bones and the performance; shape the body and help burning calories and losing weight.